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PureFrame App

PureFrame App

A desktop application that uses AI to detect glitches in videos.It runs the detection model locally using NVIDIA CUDA (if available) and generates an output of all frames with anamolies in multiple formats.

My Personal Private Cloud Services

My Personal Private Cloud Services

I have a personal server that I use to host my own cloud services. I have my own Google Photos (PhotoPrism), Netflix (JellyFin), Backup (Duplicati), and Content management (Sonarr & Radarr). I also have a few other smaller services that are running.

Crypto Taxes and Tracker

Crypto Taxes and Tracker

I built a crypto tax tracker that allows you to track your crypto transactions and calculate taxes. This was a fun project that I did because I didn't want to pay for a service to do it for me especially since I had crypto in multiple exchanges. I built the tracker and made it pull the latest information from the exchanges to calculate the taxes. Additionally, I added the functionality for it to update a Google sheet with the latest information.